As part of continued engagement with industry, Korvo graduate students are headed off to research-focused internships for the summer. These opportunities cover a broad spectrum of systems, application, and architecture topics and provide a real-world target for research collaboration undertaken at Georgia Tech during the school year. Check back in the fall for more information on what students have learned from their research experiences!
AT&T Labs: Aman Mangal
Google: Kapil Agarwal
HP Labs: Mohan Kumar, Alex Merritt
IBM Research: Xin Chen, Liting Hu
Intel: Kavitha Chandrasekar, Naila Farooqi, Dipanjan Sengupta
LinkedIn: Yanwei Zhang
Microsoft Research: Jian Huang
NEC Labs: Pradeep Fernando
Sandia Labs: Alex Champsaur, Erich Lohrmann
VMware/Air-Watch: Ketan Bhardwaj